Hi, I am an Indian based in Australia and what I see in this site is no different from the many others who come to India with a fancy camera, hoping to capture the 'real India'. Well as they say here - 'good on you mate!'. However having seen this work, I have decided that I will go out (not probably with a fancy camera but a 2 year old Nikon digital) and capture some images of the 'real australia' as well....the grafitti on the walls, piss-drunk people on fri/sat nights (including those pissing on side of shops), the homeless on stations, aboriginals surrounded by VB cans etc ...then maybe I shd create a blog of my own. A one sided representation of a country and its people, even though done well, is not creativity. I dont deny we (India) have a long way to go, but I would like also see the long way we have come.
Every country has people who are well to do and then people who are not.
I think it is as wrong to focus on the negative aspects or not so very fortuunate people to represent a country, as it would be to take pictures of beggars on streets and shantytowns or slums from the carribeans (and believe me, there are many.... I have visited most of the islands).
There is really no 'art' or beauty in it. Just bad taste.....
Hi, I am an Indian based in Australia and what I see in this site is no different from the many others who come to India with a fancy camera, hoping to capture the 'real India'. Well as they say here - 'good on you mate!'. However having seen this work, I have decided that I will go out (not probably with a fancy camera but a 2 year old Nikon digital) and capture some images of the 'real australia' as well....the grafitti on the walls, piss-drunk people on fri/sat nights (including those pissing on side of shops), the homeless on stations, aboriginals surrounded by VB cans etc ...then maybe I shd create a blog of my own. A one sided representation of a country and its people, even though done well, is not creativity. I dont deny we (India) have a long way to go, but I would like also see the long way we have come.
Every country has people who are well to do and then people who are not.
I think it is as wrong to focus on the negative aspects or not so very fortuunate people to represent a country, as it would be to take pictures of beggars on streets and shantytowns or slums from the carribeans (and believe me, there are many.... I have visited most of the islands).
There is really no 'art' or beauty in it. Just bad taste.....
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